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Catrina McGregor

Artist statement

I, Catrina McGregor invite you to join me on a voyage into the liminal spaces found between life and death. Through immersive installations that are a combination of Butoh performance, video, painting and drawing that physicalise the intangible space of the 'in-between'.


Each medium serves a purpose in the physicalisation process; Butoh performance breathes life into the bodiless inhabitants that reside in the in-between. Video and installation contribute in building little pockets for you to enter and explore this otherwise invisible realm. Painting and drawing are the backbone of my entire practice, by visualising the colour palette of the realm, as well as giving form to the formless inhabitants.


My original endeavour into the in-between was motivated by finding my lost loved ones, but instead, I have come across the bodiless inhabitants residing in the space, and my loved ones have yet to be found. The inhabitants offer contrasting perspectives of sentience and mortality, casting shadows of doubt upon my mortal intentions of finding the deceased. In the in-between, death carries no weight of loss and the desire of mortality sinks silently beneath the surface.


Through my practice, I invite you to come with me to sink deeper into introspection and contemplation regarding themes of existence, mortality, and the transitional spaces in-between

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Thank you~

  • Cat McGregor Art
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